Logistics Hub UK (LHUK) Skills and Education in Logistics Event on 18th October 2016

Monday, 3 October 2016

We are delighted to be holding our next logistics event in Sheffield, which is being hosted by our members Sheffield University Management School.

The event will focus on skills and education in logistics as businesses from across the Sheffield City Region gather for our next Logistics Hub UK (LHUK) event.

The free breakfast event, will take place on October 18, and is open to all businesses with an interest in logistics. It will be a great opportunity to build on the vision and benefits of working beyond the region in the UK in a bid to strengthen and build the Sheffield City Region’s Logistics Hub as a gateway to the world.
Steve Gill, chief executive of Doncaster Sheffield Airport, will open the event and attendees will then hear from three keynote speakers at this Skills and Education in Logistics event.

Speakers will be from Verdion, Sheffield University Management School, and the iPort.
Project manager, Steve Swann, said: “We’d be delighted to welcome you to this event which will explore ways to build Sheffield City Region’s logistics hub, focusing on skills and education.
This is a subject which many of our members and businesses that we meet have a keen interest in and together we hope to share best practice and develop clear pathways to ensure that business needs are being met.

“We have again attracted top speakers from across the region who will share their experiences and give an insight into their operations.

“This is a great opportunity to meet like-minded businesses and to showcase the fantastic work that is already taking place in logistics in this region.”

The LHUK group is a membership group established to represent powerful partnership marketing for Sheffield City Region’s logistic sector. It is a partnership of private sector companies committed to the on-going growth, development and promotion of the logistics and distribution sector in the Sheffield City Region initially, with a view to developing improved activity with other city regions i.e. Leeds, Manchester and Hull.

Click on the link to book your place http://bit.ly/2dDzIjd:  

Event Details:
Date:               Tuesday 18 October 2016
Time:             8:30am start, to finish at 10:30am
Location:       Sheffield University Management School
It would be really good to see your company being represented there as I am sure our key speakers will be of some interest and value to your company.

Please feel free to call me if you have any other queries.
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